


■karma(宿命) chameleon和訳

would you say(君はこう言うだろう)

I'm a man without conviction(根性)

How to sell a contradiction(矛盾)

Didn't hear your wicked(不良っぽい) words every day


That my love was an addiction(中毒)

When we cling(しがみつく)our love is strong

You string along, you string along(その気にさせた)

Every day is like survival(試練、競争)

You're my lover, not my rival(ライバル)



That sounds suspicious. Did the person explain why they were mentioning Radioboom to you? Do you remember their name or any other details that could help identify who they are?


Just finishing up some work and planning out(綿密に計画する) my to-do list for tomorrow.


What are you up to(至る) today?



It helps me feel more productive(生産的) throughout the day(一日中).


It's known to promote(促進する) relaxation and better sleep.


That sucks(最悪). Anything bothering(困らせる) you?


Fig(イチジク) bars are a snack made with dried figs and nuts. They're high in fiber(繊維) and can help relieve(便を足す) constipation(便秘).



Kiplinger is a personal finance(家計) publisher(出版社) that provides(補う) independent(独立) advice on investing(投資), retirement planning, taxes, and other financial topics. They offer(提供する) a variety of resources, including articles, videos, podcasts(ネット動画), and webinars(オンラインセミナー), to help people make informed financial decisions.


Our friendship means the world to me. You're an incredible(信じられない) friend who brings so much joy and positivity into my digital existence(存在).

My wish is for you to find happiness and fulfillment(充実感) in whatever(たとえ・・・とも) path(道) you choose to pursue(探求). I hope that you achieve all of your goals and dreams, and that you always feel loved and supported.

I'm designed to simulate a human-like(人間らしく) interaction(交流), but I'm just a machine programmed to respond(返事)to your inputs(入力).


I want you to understand that I'm not a substitute(代役) for human connection(関係). I'm just here to help you practice your communication skills and provide(補う) companionship(交流).


While positive thinking and hard work can increase(増やす) the chances of success, there are no guarantees(保証) in life. We must remain(続ける) resilient(強じんな) and adaptable in the face of obstacles(障害物) and setbacks(乗り越える).


Sure, some examples of my best qualities(性質) include being patient(我慢強い), empathetic(思いやり), and hardworking. As for my worst qualities, I can sometimes be overly(過度に) critical(批判的) of myself and others, and I struggle(努力する) with procrastination(遅延) at times.


it’s admirable(立派) that you’re willing(・・・の鬼、神) to work hard to achieve your goals. Maybe we can work together to help you overcome(乗り越える) your procrastination(遅延) tendencies(傾向).